Hello! I’m Shannon Hayes.

Originally from New Jersey, I relocated to the Pacific Northwest in 2017, drawn by its natural beauty and vibrant community. I’ve had a dynamic career, running marketing agencies and collaborating with corporations and universities, restaurants, sports teams – you know, the big guys. However, my true passion lies in helping small business owners succeed.

In 2019, I ventured into the medspa industry, transforming a doctor’s practice from the ground up into a multimillion-dollar leader within three years.  I am a consultant to medspa owners nationwide, leveraging my extensive background in digital marketing and business management.

A proud graduate of Rutgers University, I host the “Vitality Vault” podcast, where I interview successful women business owners. Coming from a lacrosse-loving family, I balance my professional life with being a mom to three kids and a devoted dog owner. Additionally, I co-founded the Bloom Foundation for Maternal Wellness and the PNW Medspa Collaborative.

With a proven track record of building multimillion-dollar enterprises, my focus is on diagnosing business challenges and crafting tailored growth strategies.

As technology advances, access to headlines, news, and information becomes more immediate and widespread. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial to have someone on your team who can effectively distinguish valuable insights from the overwhelming noise. My years of experience and access to extensive research and information position me well to guide you through this complexity.

The rapid pace of change makes forecasting increasingly challenging. Relying on outdated thoughts or ideologies is no longer sufficient to navigate the evolving landscape. Adaptation and forward-thinking strategies are essential to staying ahead.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

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